Friday, May 6, 2016

Into May and soon away.....

“According to Milton we owe our prickly roses to the Fall of Man. This is an insight shared by others long before his time, for St Ambrose in the 4th century AD was equally sure that roses are smooth in Paradise, while the Zoroastrians of ancient Persia held that no thorns existed before Ahriman, the spirit of evil, came into the world.

“Unappealing they may be, yet even prickles can be a pretty adornment, as anyone who has seen young shoots on the Wing Thorn rose will know. What these stories illustrate is the abiding fascination with roses that overrides boundaries of time and place, drawing people of many nations to write about roses, to grow them, depict them in all sorts of ways, and above all to love them.”

From a foreword by Peter Harkness in The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Roses, Mary Moody, ed. Headline Books, London. 1993.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

A Final Round of Roses

Butterfly Wings.
Rainbow’s End.
Happy Wanderer.

Earthsong. Cadenza.
Folksinger. Country Music.
Danses des Sylphes.
Calypso. Satchmo.
Radio Times. Roundelay.

Café. Pax.
Deep Secret. Smooth Friendship.
Frühlingszauber. Morning Jewel.

Cuisse de Nymphe.
Mother of Pearl. April Moon. Surpasse Tout.
Alchymist. Old Blush.

Love and Peace.